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Black Sash

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Пожалуйста, помогите мне, если сможете! Мне нужны эпизоды из сериала Black Sash, где снимался Дрю. Где можно их скачать или купить? Или хотя бы видео оттуда...Заранее благодарна



эпизоды сериала можно скачать тут... http://www.drewfullerfan.com/clips.php?blacksash 
а купить сам сериал, не знаю =( можно поспрашивать фанов из америки и европы, может кто-то продаст копию!



спасибо, что не оставили мое сообщение без внимания, но ту ссылку, которую ты мне дала, я знаю, и эти отрывки уже скачала. Но на самом деле там очень мало из самого сериала... Я надеялась, может, кто знает, гда можно скачать целый эпизод...
А ни у кого нет других видео-роликов или клипов из Black Sash?



нет к сожалению. я пыталась найти сериал одна девочка из англии продает копии.. но у меня на это денег нет! поробуй зайти на сайт
и там попросить... мне атм предлагали!



нет к сожалению. я пыталась найти сериал одна девочка из англии продает копии.. но у меня на это денег нет! поробуй зайти на сайт
и там попросить... мне атм предлагали!

а это оччень дорого? только я не нашла, где именно тебе предлагали и что за девчонка.
Неужели в инете нет места, где можно скачать? Как жаль...



Создай тему и попроси помощи мне в привате предлагали... я ваще отказалась за деньги... поэтому цену не знаю..
Нет скачать негде..



Вот именно что там не все в этих отрывках.Например там где они сидят(на фото)потом приходит бывший парень Элли(Сара Картер)и они с Дрю начинают драться.На в в этих отрывках обрывают на самом интересном!!!!!!!!



Я связалась с девочкой сайта DFC она сказал в ближайшее время  сделает лист со своими сериями и предложит желающим копии на продажу!



А вот это уже круто! Только жаль, что на продажу, а не на скачивание:-) Не представляю, как это сделать(купить).

А вообще кто-нибудь что-нибудь знает об этом сериале? Не хотите обсудить?
Я например так и не поняла, что случилось с Ником в конце



он уехал к отцу.. просто слили из сериала ))



а откуда ты это знаешь? Я вообще никакую инфу по этому сериалу найти не могу. Даже смысл тех серий, где он снимался(ну, приблизительно знаю)



спросиал у тех кто его смотрел.. надо кстати подробнее  поспрашивать. .а то может с отцом  напутала но он там точно к кому то уехал)) сначала его в убийстве обвиняли, он там всех бил еще пару серий)) а потом просто пропал и сказали типо что уехал...



Вот его разговоры в сериале,если кто хочет могу по русски прислать.
вот Date Night 1-3
*Nick and his aunt pull up in a silver sports car*
Nick: Thanks for the ride.
*Nick gets out of the car and sees Tory's bike. He walks over to it, admires it, and then sits on it*
Tory: Hey, what are you doing?
Nick: This is yours?
Tory: Yeah, it's mine. Get off.
Nick: It's a pretty big bike. How long you been riding?
Tory: Do you have a hearing problem?
Nick: I bet you look real cool riding it.
Tory: You have three seconds.
Nick: Or what? You're gonna tell me you know martial arts?
Tory: I'm assuming I don't have to, unless you can't read either.
Nick: Come on. Won't you give me a ride?
Tory: Do you think I'm kidding?
*Trip walks out of the building*
Trip: Is there a problem?
Nick (laughing): Who's this? Your kid brother?
Trip: You better get off that bike, man.
*Tom walks out of the building*
Tom: Hey Nick.
Nick: That's me.
Tom: Come on in here.
*Nick gets off the bike and walks toward Tom*
Nick: It was nice talking to you.
Tory: Who's he?
Tom: He's a new student.

Tom: So your aunt has told me you've had some martial arts training.
Nick: Yes, sufu.
Tom: Which disciplines?
Nick: Gung Fu, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, WooShoo, Svette, uh let's see, Jee Kun Do.
Tom: Why so many different styles?
Nick: I move a lot.
Aunt: His father, my brother-in-law, is a diplomat. He and my sister just got posted to Cairo. So Nick came to live with me because we all thought it would be better for him, at least until he finishes high school.
Nick: More like if.
*Nick's aunt gives him a dirty look*
Nick: What? What's the big secret? It's not like you're not gonna talk to him about it anyway. Might as well put it all out in the open, right?
Tom: Well, your aunt has already told me what happened in Germany and Singapore.
Nick: Yeah, I wasn't too smart back then. Anyway, Dana thought maybe I could train with you.
Tom: You need to tell me why you're here.
Nick: To learn. Whatever style you teach.
Tom: Then you need to decide right now if you can follow my rules because I don't make exceptions, the rules are the same whether you study here for one day, or one year. You wanna be here, you follow the rules to the letter.
Nick: Yes sufu.
Tom: Great. Then welcome.

Tom: All right. I'd like to welcome Nick Reed to class. Nick's had some martial arts training and uh, he's not too familar with our style, so I'm sure you all will help him out if he needs it. Ok, let's break up, two man forms. Brian, will you show Nick the forms we've been working on? Ok, let's begin.
Brian: How long you been studying?
Nick: Since I was eight. How about you?
Brian: Nine. I was one of those little kids with the karate belts, you know?
Nick: Cool. What do you say we open it up a bit?
Brian: Well, Mr. C says you gotta crawl before you walk, man.
Nick: Come on. Just for fun. Come on, come on. Ready?
*Nick and Brian start sparring*
Tom: Whoa! What's going on here guys? Did I say anything about sparring?
Nick: My bad.
Tom: You know better than that, Brian. Look, anger is a heavy weight to be carrying around guys. So is resentment, revenge. The more weight we carry, the harder it is to move, and the key to heart is what, moving. You have to learn to know yourself. Your strengths, your weaknesses. We all make mistakes from time to time, and when we make a mistake we want to be forgiven, right? But we have to remember to forgive others when they make a mistake? Continue.

Brian: Both my parents gotta go to work by six, so I take my little sister to school every day. She's counting on me, man. She goes to the one good school in the district because I can drive her there. What am I gonna do?
Nick: Maybe I can help.
Brian: Do you know about a job?
Nick: Nope. But, I can help you make some money. You know Cuesticks on California? Meet me there around nine. I'll tell you all about it.
Brian: Hey, I don't play pool, bro!
Nick: Neither do I.

Nick: What's up? I've been waiting for ya.
Brian: What's up with the look?
Nick: It's all part of the game.
Brian: The game? Whatcha mean? Pool game?
Nick: Nope. Watch and learn.
*Nick bumps into a guy while playing pool and he then misses his shot*
Guy: You just cost me twenty bucks, man.
Nick: I'm sorry, it was just an accident.
Guy: You owe me twenty bucks.
Nick: Buzz off chief. You were gonna miss it anyway.
Guy: Was I chief? Come on punk, we're going outside.
Nick: I want you to take every bet that you can.
Brian: Bet on what?
Nick: Me. Do it. Trust me. Look, man. Do you want to get your sister to school?
Guy: Let's go, bitch.
Nick: Shut up, man.
*The guy punches Nick in the face*
Brian: Hey, I've got twenty on my man here! Who else?
*Nick lets the guy beat him up, and then he falls to the ground*
Guy: That's how it's done!
*Nick gets up off the ground and kicks the guy's ass. Nick leans down at the guy on the ground*
Nick: Lucky shot.
Brian: I can't believe you did that, man. We are paid.

*Allie is punching and kicking the punching bag. Nick comes up and grabs a hold of it*
Nick: You this tough on men?
Allie: Why don't you move the bag and I'll show you.
Nick: Tempting.
*Nick hits the punching bag, smiles, and walks off. Allie watches him walk away*

Allie: What do you think of Nick?
Tory: I think he's a jerk.
Allie: Yeah, a really hot jerk.

*Nick and Tom are practicing martial arts*
Nick: I read in ancient China, that the bodyguards of the emporers all were trained the art of Bagua. They could fight eight men at once. That's what I want to do.
Tom: Not yet.
Nick: I think you underestimate me.
Tom: This is an internal art form. It takes time. We're gonna focus on finding and developing your center. When you're able to do that, everything else will fall in place. Switch sides, guard position. Good.

Brian: Isn't it a little dangerous coming back to the same place?
Nick: Do you think I'm stupid? That I didn't check this place out? There's a different crowd in here every night.
*Nick looks over at his next target*
Nick: Him.

*Nick is getting beat up*
Nick: How we doing?
Brian: Yeah, we're set, you sure you can do this?

*Nick and Brian are attacked, but they beat up their attackers*
Nick: Whoo! Never think you're better than you are.
*Brian starts walking away*
Nick: Where you going?
Brian: Forget it, man.

Nick: We going out tonight?
Brian: Nah, I got homework.
Nick: How much money do you need to fix your ride?
Brian: Two hundred.
*Nick pulls out two hundred dollars*
Nick: Here. Guaranteed up-front. All you gotta do is show for me for one fight tonight.
Brian: I can't.
Nick: Why not?
Brian: Because what you're doing is not cool, man.
Nick: So what? All practice, no play? Come on. You come out with me tonight, I guarantee you'll make enough money to buy a new car. Ok?
Brian: Nah, it ain't worth it. It's not what I'm about.
Nick: Whatever, man. Your call.

*The guy Nick beat up during the first fight walks up to him from behind*
Guy: Remember me? Yeah, I got your number. I've been waiting for you. I've got someone for you to fight.
Nick: Bring it on. I've got nothing to hide.
Guy: A thousands bucks says he kicks your ass.
*Nick looks over at the huge muscular guy he's challenged to fight*
Nick: Let's rock.
Guy: That's not too much money for you.
Nick: You still don't get it, do you? It's not about the money.

*Nick walks into the studio, looks around, and then opens Tom's office door where Brian and Tom are talking*
Nick: I'm sorry.
Brian: Nah, I was just leaving. Thanks Mr. C.
*Brian leaves the office*
Tom: Have a seat Nick.
Nick: This isn't going to be good news, is it?
Tom: Well, let me ask you a question. Why should I let you stay here?
*Nick is quiet and sits down*
Tom: Hmm?
Nick: You kicking me out?
Tom: Is there a reason I shouldn't?
Nick: No. None I can think of. I'm a troublemaker. I stir things up. That's pretty much what I do. What did you expect, that I was gonna beg you for forgiveness?
*Drew gets up and starts walking toward the door*
Tom: Oh, that's great.
Nick: What?
Tom: Let's talk. I'm not ready to give up on you, ok?
Nick: Ok?
Tom: So now that you know I haven't written you off, tell me why I should let you stay.
Nick: You need a challenge, I'm your challenge.
Tom: No, I don't need another challenge. What else?
Nick: You wanna sleep with my aunt? I don't get... what are looking for?!
Tom: A simple, honest answer, Nick! Drop the bad-boy routine for a second will ya? Why did you walk through this door? Why are you here?
Nick: Because martial arts is the one thing in my life, that I'm good at!
Tom: That's a start, what else?
Nick: I-- I have nowhere else to go.
Tom: Ok, you're welcome to train here. Class starts tomorrow at ten o'clock. Don't be late.

Prodigal Son" Episode [1x4]

Allie is at her locker and looks over at Nick who catches her looking at him*
Nick: I saw that.
Allie: Saw what?
Nick: You looking at me.
Allie: I was not looking at you.
Nick: Yeah, you were.
Allie: You're delusional.
Nick: It's cool. I don't mind.
Allie: I was looking at the doorway which I was gonna use to get to my next class.
Nick: Which is in the opposite direction?
*Allie turns around and walks the other way. Nick catches up with her*
Nick: Look, why don't we just skip the games and hang out tonight?
Allie: No offense, Nick? I may not know you, but I know you.
Nick: Really.
Allie: I've dated guys like you. You'll toy with me for a little while and then you'll move on to your next conquest. I've made a lot of bad decisions in my life, and you are just another one waiting to happen.
*Nick grins as Allie walks away*
Nick: Hey Allie? Maybe walking away is the bad decision.

*Jing is beating up on Trip in class and slams him hard onto his back*
Nick (laughs): Oh... whoa.
Jing: Do you have a problem?
Nick: Yeah, that was a little harsh, man.
Jing: Never question your senior. Leave the class.
Nick: Excuse me?
Jing: Leave.
*Nick laughs*
Jing: Think about the concept of respect before you come back tomorrow.
Nick (laughs): Whatever.

Teacher: Allie, you've got an emergency phone call in the principal's office.
*Allie picks up the phone*
Allie: Hello?
Nick: Hey.
Allie: Who is this?
Nick: Look out the window.
*Nick is calling her from a telephone booth outside*
Nick: I got us lunch. I thought we could go hang out.
Allie: I'm in school.
Nick: Not anymore. You have a family emergency.
Allie: Good-bye Nick.
Nick: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You are tense. You know what? I know some shiatzu techniques--.
*Allie hangs up on him and grins*

Jing: Is your mind strong?
Nick: Strong enough.

*Jing is making everyone holds bricks for physical conditioning. Nick throws his onto the ground*
Nick: This is stupid. You get off on torturing men that's your business.
Jing: You think you know anything about martial arts?
Nick: Yeah. Do you?
Jing: Show me.
*Nick lunges toward Jing, but Jing blocks his attack knocking him onto the ground*
Nick: You have it coming.
*Nick tries to swing kick him but lands up on the floor with a bloody mouth*

*Nick runs up to Allie and Trip and puts his arms around their shoulders*
Nick: What are we talking about?
Trip: Nothing.
Allie: We're talking about Jing.
Nick: Oh, my good buddy Jing. You know, if he hadn't got in that lucky shot I think I had him.
Allie: What were you gonna say Trip?
Trip: Well, he was acting all suspicious talking on the phone in Chinese.
Nick: Hmm... maybe because he is Chinese?
*Trip rolls his eyes, and Nick laughs*
Nick: What'd you hear?
Trip: Like I said, it was in Chinese. He seemed to be arguing about these papers that he keeps locked up in some sort of a bag.
Nick: So, let's get into the bag and see what he's up to?
Trip: I'm not gonna go looting around in his stuff.
Nick: Well, he's staying in your room, right? Come on, let's go.
Trip: Tom asked me to respect Jing.
Nick: Don't confuse loyalty with blind obedience, dude.
Trip: Yeah. Whatever, dude. Ciya Allie.
Allie: Ok.
*Trip walks away*
Nick: So what do you say? Wanna figure out what Jing's up to? Hmm? Come on.
*Nick grabs Allie's arm and they walk away together*

Allie: Hey.
*Allie hands over a flashlight to Nick. He then gives her black clothes the once-over with his flashlight and then laughs*
Nick: Very inconspicuous. It's not a jewel heist, but I am touched that you put this much effort into our first date.
Allie: It's not a date.

*Nick and Allie walk into Jing's room*
Nick: Alone at last.
*Nick leans in to kiss Allie, but she darts away toward the window*
Allie: Shouldn't somebody keep on the lookout?
*Nick lays down on the bed and aims the flashlight at the ceiling*
Nick: Not unless there's an easy way out. So if we're caught, we're caught.
*Nick follows her with the flashlight. She picks up a bag and opens it, pulling out a paper locked in a plastic case*
Allie: Bingo.
*Nick gets up and walks over to Allie*
Nick: Bingo?
Allie: Just open it.
Nick: Whoa, wait. Did you hear that?
Allie: What?
Nick: Shhh... closer. Closer.
*Allie leans toward toward the case*
Nick: You're wearing lipstick. I told you this was a date.
Allie: It's not a date. I always wear lipstick.
Nick: And perfume?
Allie: Mmm Hmm..
Nick: Mmm Hmm?
*Nick grins and works on opening the case. Allie wipes the lipstick off her lips when Nick looks away. Nick expertly picks the lock on the case*
Allie: How do you know how to do that?
Nick: Tragic childhood.
Allie: No, seriously.
Nick: I'm serious.


Prime Suspect" Episode 1x5]

Riley: Hey Nick.
Nick: What's up.

Nick: Margarita?
Allie: No thanks. I don't drink.
Nick: Maybe you should start. Fresh lime.
Allie: Are you trying to get me in trouble?
Nick: If you're with me, you already are in trouble.
Allie: It's hot in here. Wanna go outside?
*Nick grins, takes a drink of his margarita, and follows her*

*Nick and Allie are sitting in front of a campfire. Allie lays her head on Nick's shoulder*
Allie: It's beautiful out here.
Nick: Tell me about it.
*Allie looks up at him. Nick leans in to kiss her, but Damon interrupts them*
Damon: Excuse me, who invited you here?
Nick: I didn't know I needed a formal invitation.
Allie: I invited him.
Damon: Are you with him now?
Allie: Damon, just leave us alone.
Nick: Yeah dude. Chill out.
*Nick stands up. Damon hits Nick in the face when he is off guard*
Damon: Come on, get up!
*Damon swings at Nick, but he blocks him, and then tosses Damon onto the ground. Nick turns his back, and when he turns around, Damon pepper sprays him in the face*
Allie: Hey! Stop it!!!!!
Nick: Aahhh!!!!
*Nick covers his eyes and screams in agony*

*Nick is washing his eyes out with water*
Allie: Are you sure you're ok?
Nick: If I could see again, that's a start. Do you have any other psycho ex-boyfriends you want to tell me about?
Allie: Come on. I've told you a few times he was never really a boyfriend. It was just bizarre. I have never seen him act like that.
*Julian and his friends open up the bathroom door*
Julian: You need to get the hell out of my house.
Allie: Why don't you kick Damon out?
Julian: Because Damon is my best friend.
Nick: Fine. I was leaving anyway.
Allie: Hey. Wait for me. I'm gonna go tell the guys I'm leaving. Ok?
*Allie walks out of the bathroom*
Nick: No, just stay.

*Nick and Tom are talking by the door at the martial arts studio*
Nick: I'm telling you the truth. I didn't kill him. Given the circumstance, I'm not surprised they think I did.
Tom: You should call a lawyer in the morning. He'll get you a name.
Nick: I'm sorry for waking you up. My aunt has been out of town for a week, and I had nowhere else to go.
*The doorbell buzzes*
Tom: You stay here.

*Nick walks down the stairs while Tom and the Inspector are talking*
Nick: I didn't do it! Damon pepper sprayed me, that is all that happened.
Tom: Go back upstairs Nick!
Inspector: You won't talk to me. You run from a crime scene, you're making it that much worse for yourself, son.
Nick: I didn't run, alright? I left the party.
Tom: Nick, get back inside. Go!

*Nick is walking down the hallway, and everyone stares at him. He walks by two nerdy guys as they continue to stare at him*
Nick: Can I help you?
*The two nerdy guys walk away really fast. Nick rolls his eyes and then sees Allie at her locker*
Nick: Hey, I got your message. Thanks.
Allie: What happened to you? Where'd you go after the party?
Nick: Nowhere. I went and got a cup of coffee at this place on Harrison.
Julian: What the hell are you doing here?
Nick: Last time I checked this is where I go to school.
Julian: Are you trying to make a joke?
Nick: No. What's your problem?
Julian: You killed my best friend. That's my problem. I don't see how you have the nerve to saunter into school like nothing's happened.
Nick: I didn't kill your friend.
Julian: Now you're gonna lie to me.
*Julian hits Nick a few times. Allie tries to stop him*
Allie: Just stop.
*They hold Allie back, Julian punches Nick more, and Brian comes up to them*
Brian: Hey! Hey, let him go!
Nick: Are you done yet? Because I'm late for class.
Brian: I said let him go!
*Brian fights off two of Julian's friends, and then confronts Julian*
Julian: You want some of this?
*Brian and Julian fight briefly before the teachers come*
Brian: Hey, you ok?
Nick: I'll live.
*Brian, Nick, and Allie walk off*

*Allie's dream sequence*
Nick: Pepper spray huh? That's real brave.
*Nick stabs Damon with the knife*
Nick: Do you feel brave now?

*Allie furiously walks up to Nick*
Allie: You lied to me. I'm trying to help you here, and you won't even tell me the truth.
Nick: What are you talking about?
Allie: You slept with her.
Nick: Who?
Allie: Riley.
Nick: Who said that?
Allie: She did.
Nick: That's a total lie.
Allie: Then why would she say it?
Nick: I don't know. She wanted to. It never happened.
*Allie rolls her eyes and looks away*
Nick: What, you're gonna believe her over me?
*Allie shrugs*
Nick: Fine. I slept with Riley, and I killed Damon. I am responsible for global warming! Happy now?
*Nick walks off, Allie throws her bag on the ground in frustration*

*Nick is punching a punching bag. Allie walks up to him*
Allie: Hey. I'm sorry I doubted you. I believe you now.
Nick: It's all right. I don't blame you. I'm used to being seen in a certain way.You know? See, what happens is people put this label on you, and you just start to become it.
*Nick quits hitting the punching bag. Allie stands in front of him*
Allie: I can see how that happens.
Nick: Can I ask you a question?
Allie: Sure.
Nick: Why are you helping me Allie. You hardly even know me.
Allie: It's true.
Nick: No one ever believes me. Not even my own parents.
Allie: Let's just say you getting framed and spending the rest of your life in jail kind of rubs my sense of justice the wrong way.
*Nick leans in closer to Allie*
Nick: That's it?
Allie: That's not enough?
*Nick leans in even closer*
Nick: Thanks.
Allie: Sure.
*Allie walks away. Nick watches her leave*

Inspector: You wanted a warrant? I've got it right here. An arrest warrant for Nick Reed. We found the murder weapon. We've got forensic evidence tying it right to him.
*Nick looks at Allie*
Nick: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
*Nick opens the door and runs off down the street, but he is shot in the shoulder*

*Nick walks into the martial arts studio with a cast on his arm. Everyone is practicing with blindfolds on. Tom walks up to Nick*
Tom: All right. Blindfolds off.
Tory: Nick.
Brian: Nick. Welcome back, man.
*Nick smiles and nods*
Allie: Hey.
*Nick stares at Allie with a slight grin*
Tom: It's good to have you back, Nick.
Nick: Thanks.
*Everyone continues to stare at Nick*
Nick: All right, all right. Ignore me. Keep going. I'm gonna watch everyone else suffer for a change.




Круто! Только у меня эти разговоры, конечно, есть. Но только по ним все равно не поймешь суть!
Мне например интересно, почему копы стреляли в него, если он не убивал Дэймона?
Кстати, бил не только он, но и его. По-моему, даже больше, чем он.
Оч печально, что на сайте Келли нет отрывков, где он с кем-нибудь дерется! Самое интересное зажала!



Сорри за вопрос,но в каких именно сериях играет Дрюша?Я нашла ссылки для ослика на 1-6 серии первого сезона и вот не знаю,есть там Дрюша или нет! :o



я знаю сами названия серий... вроде он тока в 1 сезоне.. у меня с Осла ваще не качает(((

"Prime Suspect"
"Prodigal Son"
"Date Night"



все три в ослике есть,надеюсь на англиском!



Вышлите мне кто-нибудь плиз перевод этих разговоров на русском!



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